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Visit Maine Aquaculture Harvest, Lease, and License (LPA) Data
Visit Approved Hatcheries For Shellfish Species
Visit The Essential Start Guide: Seed
Visit Shell GIS- MidMaine example
Visit Maine DMR - LPA License Health Zones
Visit Clam Kit: Simple Shellfish Management Tools - Part 1: Introduction & Overview
Visit Large-Scale Culture Methods for Blue Mussels in Maine and the Northeast: Experimental Laboratory & Field Trials
Visit Oyster Aquaculture Site Selection Using Landsat 8-Derived Sea Surface Temperature, Turbidity, and Chlorophyll a
Visit Methods and Materials for Aquaculture Production of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus)
Visit Eastern Oyster Production in Maine: A Basic Overview
Visit Research, Development and Education Priorities for the Aquaculture Sector in Maine