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Visit Maine Aquaculture Harvest, Lease, and License (LPA) Data
Visit Approved Hatcheries For Shellfish Species
Visit Small Scale Marketing Opportunities for Aquaculture Products in the Northeast
Visit Mussel Aquaculture in the Northeast
Visit Explore Careers in Maine Aquaculture
Visit Best Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit ARI Aquaculture Research Portal
Visit Aquaculture Jobs Training Program: Entry Level Oyster Farm Worker
Aquaculture Jobs Training Program: Entry Level Oyster Farm Worker
Free online entry-level oyster farm worker Certificate course. Do all 16 modules to pursue farmhand certification, or simply watch and browse to get a better sense of the industry. Instructors include East Coast Shellfish Growers Association's Dr. Bob Rheault, and amazing farmers Matt Behan, John and Cindy West, and David Roebuck.2022East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, Sea Grant, NOAA
Visit The Essential Start Guide: Seed
Visit Discover Careers in Aquaculture
Visit East Coast Shellfish Hatchery and Nursery Directory
Visit Maine DMR - LPA License Health Zones
Visit UMaine Professional Micro-Credential Pathway in Sustainable Aquaculture