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Visit Maine Aquaculture Harvest, Lease, and License (LPA) Data
Visit Water Quality Monitoring Forms and Protocols
Visit Shellfish Dealer Application Forms
Visit Shellfish Sanitation and Management Forms
Visit Rookie Mistakes for New Growers to Avoid
Visit From Harvest to Table: The Perfect Shellfish
Visit Disinfection for used shellfish equipment
Visit Best Management Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit Best Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit Purchasing Shellfish Factsheet
Visit East Coast Shellfish Hatchery and Nursery Directory
Visit The Maine Aquaculturist’s Guide- Selling Shellfish Flowchart
Visit The Maine Aquaculturist’s Pocket Guide: Selling Shellfish
Visit Maine DMR Vibrio Control Plan
Visit Current Shellfish Closure Information