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Visit Seaweed Food Safety: Comparing Compliance with Preventive Controls for Human Foods and Seafood HACCP
Seaweed Food Safety: Comparing Compliance with Preventive Controls for Human Foods and Seafood HACCP
This guide was created to help the emerging seaweed industry understand the prevailing regulatory requirements surrounding the production of seaweeds as food. There are currently two regulations that are being used to regulate seaweeds at either the federal or state level: the Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food (GMP/PCHF) regulation and the Seafood Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point regulation. This guide will help the reader understand the similarities and differences between the two regulations and help the reader understand how their operation might be regulated.2023Sea Grant & National Seaweed Hub
Visit Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
This report addresses biofouling management in relation to marine aquaculture industry operations, equipment and infrastructure. It covers shellfish, finfish and seaweed operations in estuaries and seawater. It does not address freshwater aquaculture activities.2022UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Visit The Essential Start Guide: Seed
Visit Maine Online Licensing System (LEEDS)
Visit Edible Seaweed Market Analysis
Visit Research, Development and Education Priorities for the Aquaculture Sector in Maine
Visit The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals
Visit Northeastern U.S. Aquaculture Management Guide: A manual for the identification and management of aquaculture production hazards
Visit Kelp Farming Manual: A Guide to the Processing, Techniques, and Equipment for Farming Kelp in New England Waters