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Visit Sea Farm Loan: Financing for Maine’s Marine Aquaculturists
Visit Oyster Bottom Culture Cost Analysis Spreadsheet
Visit Medium-Scale Cultchless Oyster Crop Budget
Visit Maine Department of Marine Resources Grants and RFPs
Visit Evaluating the Liquidity/Cash Position of an Aquaculture Business: Using Cash Flow Statements
Visit Determining the Profitability of an Aquaculture Business: Using Income Statements and Enterprise Budgets
Visit Best Management Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit Aquaculture Business Planning
Visit Explore Careers in Maine Aquaculture
Visit Best Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit ARI Aquaculture Research Portal
Visit Seaweed Food Safety: Comparing Compliance with Preventive Controls for Human Foods and Seafood HACCP
Seaweed Food Safety: Comparing Compliance with Preventive Controls for Human Foods and Seafood HACCP
This guide was created to help the emerging seaweed industry understand the prevailing regulatory requirements surrounding the production of seaweeds as food. There are currently two regulations that are being used to regulate seaweeds at either the federal or state level: the Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food (GMP/PCHF) regulation and the Seafood Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point regulation. This guide will help the reader understand the similarities and differences between the two regulations and help the reader understand how their operation might be regulated.2023Sea Grant & National Seaweed Hub
Visit Maine Aquaculture Financing Resources Manual
Visit ‘Kelp’ us Expand Maine’s Place-based 5th Grade Curriculum
Visit Aquaculture Jobs Training Program: Entry Level Oyster Farm Worker
Aquaculture Jobs Training Program: Entry Level Oyster Farm Worker
Free online entry-level oyster farm worker Certificate course. Do all 16 modules to pursue farmhand certification, or simply watch and browse to get a better sense of the industry. Instructors include East Coast Shellfish Growers Association's Dr. Bob Rheault, and amazing farmers Matt Behan, John and Cindy West, and David Roebuck.2022East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, Sea Grant, NOAA
Visit OceanReports
This web-based, report-centric tool provides coastal and ocean planners with a high-level analysis for their custom-drawn area of interest. It provides summary statistics and infographics for six main topics: general information, energy and minerals, natural resources and conservation, oceanographic and biophysical, transportation and infrastructure, and economics and commerce.2022NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA Office for Coastal Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management