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Visit The Maine Aquaculturist’s Guide- Selling Shellfish Flowchart
Visit The Maine Aquaculturist’s Pocket Guide: Selling Shellfish
Visit "Experimental" Aquaculture Lease Application
Visit Maine DMR - LPA License Health Zones
Visit Summary information for Aquaculture License (to harvest & sell aquacultured product)
Visit Maine DMR Vibrio Control Plan
Visit Current Shellfish Closure Information
Visit Shellfish Closure Map and Data Portal
Visit Department of Marine Resources Employee Contact Information
Visit Aquaculture Laws and Regulations
Visit Maine Online Licensing System (LEEDS)
Visit Maine Shellfish Dealer Sanitation and HACCP Guidelines Manual and Forms
Visit Biotoxin Monitoring Forms and Protocols
Visit Maine Shellfish Growing Area Classification Program
Visit Maine Shellfish Dealer Certification and Inspection Program
Visit Maine DMR Aquaculture Harvest License FAQ
Visit Clam Kit: Simple Shellfish Management Tools - Part 1: Introduction & Overview